Athletics Reflection

I used a growth mindset when I failed the very first one at high jump, but didn’t give up and redeemed myself by jumping it and succeeding it on the second attempt. I stayed positive when I didn’t make it into the finals in short sprints,But I kept on cheering my friends and telling them not to give up.

I did not achieve my athletics goal which was to get into zones. I didn’t train that much so I didn’t get the result I was looking for. Next year I am going to train more and I am going to get into zone I know it.

I represented Miro(my house)in the house relays by coming 2nd for our house.

I think I did well at long jump because I tried my hardest and i didn’t give up.I know I did well because I jumped longer than I jumped last year. That is okay for me.  

The most challenging sport for me was high jump because I am not the tallest and I didn’t jump that high because I am not very good at it. I failed the first jump but I redeemed myself and jumped over it.

I am the most proud of discus because I gave it a go and tried quite hard at it.I don’t like discus but I still tried hard and It went quite far.


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